Lecture notes of Seminario Interdisciplinare di Matematica - Vol. VIII (2009)
Title | Author | Pages |
An invitation to the study of evolution equations by means of positive linear operators | Francesco Altomare, Vita Leonessa | 141 |
Concentration and compactness arguments in coupled nonlinear Schr ̈odinger- Maxwell equations | Antonio Azzollini | 4368 |
Vector valued holomorphic and CR functions | Elisabetta Barletta, Sorin Dragomir | 69100 |
The classical umbral calculus: Sheffer sequences | Elvira Di Nardo, Heinrich Niederhausen, Domenico Senato | 101130 |
General linear supergroups and Schur superalgebras | Roberto La Scala, Alexander Zubkov | 131140 |
Il moto Browniano iperbolico e altri moti su spazi iperbolici | Enzo Orsingher | 141148 |