Title | Author | Pages |
An overview on inverse first-passage-time problems for one-dimensional diffusion processes | Mario Abundo | 144 |
A test for the input noise type in the Fitzhugh-Nagumo neuronal model | Mamiko Arai, Charles Eugene Smith | 4559 |
A unified approach to local limit theorems in Gaussian spaces and the law of small numbers | Bilel Kacem Ben Ammou, Alberto Lanconelli | 6171 |
Monotone convergence, SP polynomials, and Zeckendorf representa- tions | Paul Cull | 7380 |
A review on symmetry properties of birth-death processes | Antonio Di Crescenzo, Barbara Martinucci | 8196 |
On some applications of a generalization of Laguerre polynomials in statistics | Elvira Di Nardo | 97109 |
On two-boundary first exit time of Gauss-diffusion processes: closed- form results and biological modeling | Giuseppe DOnofrio, Enrica Pirozzi | 111124 |
Supermodular comparison of dependence models and multivariate processes, with applications | Esther Frostig, Franco Pellerey | 125138 |
Asymptotic average of the local time for one-dimensional diffusion processes | Virginia Giorno, Amelia G. Nobile | 139160 |
Some remarks on stochastic diffusion processes with jumps | Virginia Giorno, Serena Spina | 161178 |
Norm contoured distributions in R2 | Wolf-Dieter Richter | 179199 |
The nonhomogeneous lognormal diffusion process as a general pro- cess to model particular types of growth patterns | Patricia Román-Román, Francisco Torres-Ruiz | 201-219 |
A survey of copula-based measures of association | Carlo Sempi | 221242 |
Cumulants via diagonal measures | Rosaria Simone | 243254 |
Some remarks on multivariate conditional hazard rates and depen- dence modeling | Fabio Spizzichino | 255-271 |
Modeling and filtering of credit health for a set of firms | Paola Tardelli | 273288 |